Wednesday, May 6, 2020

High School Activities Worth Joining Essay - 989 Words

Badass U Articles Summary High School Activities Worth Joining So you are going to be in or currently in high school. Great! These can be the best years of your life. You better make the most of it. These activities are a great way to get social (especially if you are an introvert). So don’t skip them while in high school. A Sport, Any Sport! Before you say you aren’t a jock, just hear me out. You are young and probably injury-free. This is the BEST time to get into the shape of your life. You don’t want to start when you are in your 20s or 30s. You will be so far behind by then you’ll probably never catch up. Besides, even by then you might have chronic injuries you are fighting. Trust me, your body will just get more and more injuries as you get older. Anyone can tell you consistency is key to getting into shape. And once you get into college and your career, you’ll find out being consistent on your own is virtually impossible. Life just gets in the way. But in high school, you have to go to class every day and if your class is a sport, you’ll never miss a workout. â€Å"But I don’t want to get injured!† I completely understand. Injuries, especially chronic ones, are some of the most frustrating and depressing things you’ll experience in life. The simple solution is to join a sport that is relatively injury free such as tennis, swimming, golf, and dance if they offer it. Yes, you can get injured in these sports, but it is not like football where you can literally breakShow MoreRelatedIs College Worth A College?1254 Words   |  6 Pagesleaving prospective students to ask â€Å"Is College Worth It?† college education is beneficial in that it teaches students valuable life lessons in responsibility, prepares students to enter the workforce and can be relatively inexpensive. The eduction is â€Å"college education† is worth every penny but America has created clichà ©s to define the college experience which are expensive and unnecessary. 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